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Who We Are

Te Miro Water brings together specialised skills of hydrology, stormwater management, hydraulic modelling, flood risk assessment, civil design, and project management to provide an integrated engineering and scientific service that can deliver the whole water project cycle.

The word ‘Te Miro’, from the acceptance speech of the first Maori King, Potatau te Wherowhero, translates to ‘three intertwined strands’ which we feel aptly reflects the diversity and strength of the relationship between our expertise, our clients needs and the environment we are working in, enabling us to provide innovative and practical solutions.

About Us


We understand the full water cycle. We know the steps required to deliver water resources projects and the decision makers to engage with to get it done.


We Specialise In:

  • Hydrological assessment and flood hazard management

  • Floodplain and catchment management planning

  • Integrated water cycle management

  • Stormwater device testing and monitoring certification

  • Soil hydrological group determination and permeability testing

  • Expert witness and peer review

  • Business managementstrategic management and masterplanning

  • Community and stakeholder engagement.

  • Project and construction management


Our team is made up of great people with complementary skills. Because we are small, we have aligned ourselves with others in the industry, whose skills we respect and know are driven to do a great job.
Get in contact to find out more about the teams we assemble to deliver our projects.


Mike Chapman


BSc, MSc (Hons) (Env Science)

Mike is founding Director of Te Miro Water - a stormwater engineer and hydrologist with 25 years proven track record of flood risk assessment and stormwater design solutions. Mike is known for his abilities to work across multiple disciplines, specialising in technical and strategy direction in the stormwater space. 

Mike’s unique mixture of technical and strategic skills mean he is often sought after by government and private agencies to formulate and lead stormwater projects. Mike has led the development of over 30 catchment management plans and flood hazard studies. 


Britta Jensen


B.ENG (Civil and Env) & MBA (2020)

Britta is a Director of Te Miro Water and an experienced Water Resources Engineer and Project Manager of 15 years. Britta has developed a strong focus on project delivery, technical outcomes, and client liaison, both in Australia and NZ.


As a water engineering specialist with a master’s in business administration, Britta is passionate about governance and strategic planning in the local and national government space. Her specialist technical field is within stormwater, with experience ranging from catchment planning scale to detailed flood risk assessments and civil design of soft and hard stormwater mitigation. Britta’s roles transgress the planning, civil, asset management and transport environments and she is familiar with the needs of both private and public sectors.


Andrew Boldero

Principal Stormwater Engineer 

Andrew is a Principal Stormwater Engineer with 28-years’ experience in the Civil Engineering sector.  This includes over 15 years in the water sector with the last 7 years specialising in stormwater.  Andrew has a proven track record of project delivery and solving complex design issues.
Andrew has an excellent understanding of hydraulics along with stormwater catchment and asset management.  Andrew is known for his abilities to work across multiple disciplines to create effective solutions. Andrew has worked for private and the public sectors, specialising in leadership, strategy, and governance. 

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Melissa Allfrey

Senior Stormwater Engineer

Melissa is a Chemical & Process Engineer with a passion for stormwater management. In 2022, Melissa received the Emerging Water Professional award from Water NZ and is currently a Waikato Young Engineer’s Committee member. Melissa is an experienced three waters asset planning engineer, conversant with long term planning, master planning and project management.

Melissa is specialised in stormwater catchment management planning and comprehensive stormwater discharge consents and experienced in hydrology and hydraulics. Melissa has a passion for urban space making, incorporating stormwater designs with amenity values, with the aim to provide the most efficient and effective stormwater solution across multiple disciplines.


Rodrigo Jaca

Flood Modelling Lead & Principal Stormwater Engineer

Rodrigo is a civil engineer who has specialised in hydraulic modelling, mainly focused on flooding assessments of open channels, urban drainage systems and managed of integrated catchments.


His previous work includes analysis of hazards and economic damage assessments, with the proposal of flood alleviation options using and 1D and 2D hydraulic modelling. Rodrigo has contributed to flood hazard modelling and model build guidance throughout NZ. 


Arun Gopi

Project Management Lead & Senior Stormwater Engineer

Arun is a stormwater engineer and project manager with 7-years’ experience in the construction industry both in New Zealand and his native India.
Arun is known for his experience in trenchless installation of utilities and have proven experience in managing, setting out and programming three waters projects and installation by directional drilling and open trench methods. 


With his previous experience as project manager and quantity surveyor, Arun is highly focussed on costs and contracts, and negotiating subcontracts and supplier agreements to bring the best value to the project. His collaborative manner allows for good relationships with the team, clients and contractors.  


Waqas Sawar

Stormwater Engineer & Flood Modeller

Waqas is a water resource engineer with a keen interest and expertise in GIS automation and hydrologic/hydraulic modelling. He is also 4th year Ph.D. student in the domain of water resources/hydrology at the University of Waikato with a special focus on catchment and streamflow interaction.  

He has worked on various stormwater management projects including stream restoration, developing strategies for flood hazard control in urban areas and estimation of stormwater runoff for the purpose of integrated catchment modelling. 

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Saeed Ashouri

Stormwater Engineer & Flood Modeller

Saeed is a highly skilled water engineer with extensive experience in GIS, river hydraulics, hydrology and ecohydraulics. Saeed is completing his PhD at the University of Waikato, where his research focuses on the reduction of permeability in soil over time. Saeed has worked on a variety of stormwater projects at Te Miro Water and has undertaken extensive hydrological and hydraulic modelling.  

Saeed has completed designs of complex stormwater management devices and assets. Saeed previously worked for consulting engineers in Iran on the estimation of environmental flows for rivers, 1-D and 2-D hydraulic modelling, and river restoration.  Saeed has a passion for linking the hydraulics of waterways with the needs of the natural aquatic ecosystems to protect biodiversity.

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Brooke Cameron

GIS Spatial Analyst & Data Manager 

Brooke is a highly skilled GIS Analyst. Brooke holds a degree in Earth Science and Geography from the University of Waikato. With her background in GIS and her passion for cartography, Brooke is dedicated to delivering exceptionally beautiful maps supported by data for her clients and making a positive impact on the environment.

Before joining Te Miro Water Consultants, Brooke gained valuable experience with Tauranga City Council where she was involved with public engagement and education efforts surrounding tsunami awareness. Through this experience, Brooke expanded her knowledge of the natural environment, and it gave her the opportunity to effectively communicate complex information to a wide range of audiences.

Contact Us
Water Lake Landscape

Get in Touch

Suite 7, 3 Empire Place,
Cambridge, 3434. Waikato



Image by Luca Bravo

© Te Miro Water Consultants Ltd 2022. All Rights Reserved.

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